This cap has a lot of names. I've always heard it called the Flat Cap but it also goes as the Ivy Cap, Newsboy Cap, and - lately - the Peaky Blinders Cap.

It's also perennially cool, thanks to the association with both working-class tough guys and aristocrats on a hunting holiday. My shy, gentle father (who would never wear anything even remotely weird or attention-grabbing) was very attached to his flat cap.
I've categorized them by season, although I realize you may not know your dad's or husband's color season. That's ok. As I've said before, if you have an estimate - like "some kind of Winter" - you'll be 90% of the way there. Look to his wardrobe for inspiration.
And if you really have no idea what season your guy is, guess Autumn. Autumn is safe for men; it's the color of leather and antlers and cognac and cigars.
Caramel for Dark Autumn,
Chestnut for True Autumn,
Gold for True Spring. This is how men do Spring - the highly-saturated neutrals, the "bright browns," the tans, the camels.
Brown Check for Dark Autumn,
Charcoal Herringbone for Dark Winter,
Dark Green Check for True or Dark Autumn,
Green Herringbone for any Autumn,
Navy for Soft Autumn.
And in this identical but slightly more expensive style, Blue/Lovat Windowpane is for True Summer.
Still need a Mother's Day idea? We got you covered.
Want to see clothing for your color and Kibbe style? Start here.