It can be tough to tell Soft Dramatic from Theatrical Romantic, and they really are sister types (much like Dramatic and Flamboyant Gamine.) The key difference is that SD will have a vertical aspect, and TR will not. So while they both accommodate curve (that in-out-in-out silhouette), Soft Dramatic will also have an up-and-down aspect that emphasizes their wonderful height.
Types WITHOUT a vertical aspect, who try to emphasize vertical anyway in order to look taller, will wind up looking even shorter! Ah, my misspent youth. Remember folks, the key to enjoying your body is to start by fully embracing your own character design. If someone wants to say it's "too much this" or "not enough that," well, that sounds like a them-problem. Just being human and alive is already glorious!
Bronzed Olive for True Autumn,
Black for any Winter,
Horizon for Dark Winter.