Soft Naturals, I can confirm this one is not for us. I adored it, bought it, but had to return it. It's close - the tiered look is great for us, as is the velvet - but the puffed sleeves and gathered neckline, and the deceptively pinched-in waist, are really truly Romantic. I looked a bit misshapen. Romantics, take care of her.

Dusty Blue for True Summer,
Vintage Rose for Soft Autumn,
Dusty Sage for True Autumn,
Black for Dark Autumn or any Winter (although this solid wall of black would be funereal on a Bright Winter),
Natural for True Autumn, although I wouldn't wear this to a wedding. Even if you ask the bride. Never ask the bride! She has to say yes! Just choose...
Desert Rose, also for True Autumn. See, plenty of options.
Before you purchase, make sure you read Baltic Born's return policy. Like most places that sell one-occasion dresses, it's pretty Draconian. And for those on a restricted budget, here is the Amazon dupe I bought. It seemed quite well made and I think it would compare decently with the real version. (And yes, I am most definitely on a restricted budget, that's why I get my clothing fix by posting here!)