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Dramatic Classic: Wedding Guest Dress

Tailored vertical lines - perfect.

There are a lot of stereotypes about color seasons and kibbe styles - for instance, Naturals being Autumns (the boho look, right??) In practice, I don't find that they line up that often. There are trends - for instance, tall Scandinavian folks have a high percentage of Dramatics as well as fair coloring. (Lots of Light Springs and Light Summers.) But there are so many exceptions to each trend that trying to learn them is more likely to lead you astray than anything else.

The good news is, if you have a color/style combination that doesn't immediately pop into everyone's mind - say, if you're a Dramatic Classic and also a Bright Spring - there will always, always be clothes out there just for you!

Model wearing floor-length ruched dress in bright turquoise.

Red for Bright Spring,

Verde Aqua for Bright Spring.

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